
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bath Time is FUN Time

Now that Bobby can sit up very well, we have made bath time a nightly routine. Not only does it help with a schedule but it also winds him down and exhausts him so he sleeps better! Here are a few essentials that you need for bath time!

4Moms Spout Cover
For a first time mom, it is hard to tell what exactly 98 degrees is. If you had an infant bath that let you know, then you are probably ahead of the rest of us but I still like using this. It alarms you once the temperature is over 100 degrees. It also works as a great protector to prevent the baby hitting their head on the faucet. My son always tries to reach for his bath toys and falls forward.

Bath Mat
I love the Munchkin Dandy Dots Bath Mat. This is great to prevent slipping in the tub and babies love the colorful dots. My son always picks at them because he thinks they are something he can pick up.

Bath Toys
It just makes baths more fun! I picked up a few toys for Bobby to play with which he of course puts in his mouth but it makes bath time more fun!

Bath Toy Organizer
I have the Brica Super Scoop Bath Toy Organizer. Not only do I use it for his toys, but I have hims shampoo in there along with a rinse cup! You can use any plastic cup for a rinse cup!

Honest Shampoo & Body Wash
I watched a documentary on chemicals in products and was disgusted. Johnson and Johnson STILL use formaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane in their baby shampoos! Supposedly if the bottle says "improved formula" it is out but I am not risking it. I trust honest and it is gentle and effective with cleaning his hair and body.

Please feel free to give any more suggestions for bath time or share your favorite products!


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